I am all for taking the good with the bad. I can handle my "lumps." I night calving and smile during the day. I swath and don't squawk. I also get to take a random day off with out consulting a boss (besides the DH) If i want to go to town i can. If i want to sleep in one day i can.
But......Mother Nature is really throwing a bunch of us a curve ball. Tempers are flairing and snapping over the silliest of things. I now cry over "spilt milk." I find myself throwing a fit over a zipper that won't zip, and i watched DH come unhinged all because i hitched to the wrong trailer. I hope some warm weather comes soon before one of us needs an EMT. Oh wait i am one. Hope DH realizes that.............!
I know you have had a miserable winter, but just wait for July!!!!!!